"Kriya, controlling the mind directly through the life force, is the
easiest, most effective, and most scientific avenue of approach to the Infinite.
In contrast to the slow, uncertain “bullock cart” theological path to God, Kriya
may justly be called the “airplane” route."
—Paramhansa Yogananda
Kriya Yoga is a meditation technique that quickly accelerates one's spiritual growth. Kriya is the most effective technique for reaching the goal of Yoga: union with the Divine.
Kriya Yoga is an ancient technique that was hidden in secrecy for many centuries. It was in 1861, when the great yogi Mahavatar Babaji taught the technique to his disciple Lahiri Mahasaya in the Himalayas.
Kriya Yoga is an advanced technique for spiritual evolution that has been taught by enlightened sages for thousands of years. Part of the ancient science of Raja Yoga, it is mentioned by Patanjali in his Yoga Sutras and by Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita.
Kriya works by giving the practitioner Pranayama--the breathing exercise, or control of the life force. Through life force control, the yogi is able to overcome all the obstacles preventing union with the divine.
The Kriya technique is generally given through direct initiation from a qualified Kriya Yoga teacher, or acharya.
Kriya Yoga is effective because it works directly with the source of spiritual growth — the life force deep in our spines.
All yoga techniques work with this energy, often indirectly. Yoga postures, for example, can help open up the spinal channels, and balance the energy in the spine. Yoga breathing exercises can help to awaken that energy.
The Kriya technique is much more direct. It helps the practitioner to control the life force by mentally drawing it up and down the spine, with awareness and will. According to Paramhansa Yogananda, one Kriya, which takes about a half-minute, is equivalent to one year of natural spiritual growth.
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