Monday, March 24, 2008

Raja Yoga

Raja Yoga is concerned with the cultivation of the mind using meditation techniques (dhyana) as against the Hastha Yoga which is concerned with the physical asanans--postures.

The Raja Yoga mainly focuses on the mind. The mind is the King of the mental and physical structure which does it bidding. Because of the relationship between the mind and the body, the body must be disciplined and purified first.

The King of Yogas--Raja Yoga is seen as potential tool for obtaining the selfless state. This is considerd as a starting point in questioning to clense karma, obtain Moksha and Nirvana.

Raja Yoga aims at controlling the thought waves or mental unstability. This is where Raja Yoga helps and is sometimes referred as "Astanga (eight-limbed)"--the eight aspects helps to find the path one must attain. The eight limbs are:

Yama--Code of Conduct
Niyama--Religious Observance
Asana--Integration of Mind and Body through physical activity
Pranayama--Regulation of Breath leading to integration of mind and body
Pratyahara--Abstraction of the Senses, Withdrawal of the senses
Dharana--Concentration, One-mindedness
Samadhi--Quite state of blissful awareness, superconsciousness state

Hatha Yogi starts his sadhana with Asanas--postures using physical activity whereas Raja Yogi starts his sadhan with the mind, although minimal asanas and pranayama are gernally included as a preparation for the meditation and concentration.

We will see the eight limbs of Ashtanga Yoga in the next articles.

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